Holidays; are we trying too hard?

After years of attempting a healthy, home-cooked, gourmet Thanksgiving meal a few years ago Jeff gained the courage to ask for name brand, Stovetop stuffing.  He simply stated “this is what I was raised on, it is what I like.”  

Fair enough, good point. So for the last few years we served two types of stuffing.  It was worth the effort and it satisfied us all.  

Satisfying my Thanksgiving upbringing tradition is pretty much impossible.  We were the family that raised fresh turkeys as chicks up to weight and harvested fresh two days before Thanksgiving day. The stuffing was made out of the organs of the bird.  Turkey and side dishes like that are hard to find and now following a vegetarian diet, would be really challenging to satisfy.

I started writing this blog about stuffing and tradition with the grocery list for made and then my family made a new suggestion this year:

Ordering out.

I actually responded pretty well to the suggestion…with relief.  So I’ve pivoted the Thanksgiving blog to flexibility, change, and simplicity.

We are ordering flavorful ethnic cuisine, with both meat and vegetarians options.  We are establishing a new tradition, even if it only stays for a year.  

Since this change of plan, I’ve heard of quite a variety of Thanksgiving traditions new and old.  Even, “remember the year we…”.  Making memories, that is what we are doing.  Trying not to get caught up in the things that don’t work out but the beautiful things that do.    

I still made my favorite stuffing because it’s my favorite and will enjoy extra time out of the kitchen.  

May your Thanksgiving be simple, satisfying, enjoyable, fruitful, peaceful and full of joy. May you handle change with resilience and ease.  


Rhonda Steinke & Health Through Nature

Just in case your interested:

Wild Rice Stuffing

Adapted from and Pam Watson’s original recipe


1 tbs butter

2 tbs garlic, minced

1/2 large yellow onion, chopped

1 cup celery, sliced

1 cup carrots, sliced

2 tbs grifola mushroom - can use up to 8 ounces mushrooms, sliced

2 cups cooked wild rice

  • Wild rice snob alert; the BEST wild rice is Minnesota Wild rice, amazing flavor, great crunch.  This brand hasn’t been tested yet.  My family usually picks up some for me at Wisconsin stores when they see it . (affiliate link)

4 cups dried stuffing mix of choice

1/2 tsp celery salt

2 tsp fresh rosemary/ 1/2 tsp dried

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1/2 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp dried tarragon

2.5 cups broth (to desired moisture)

1/4 cup butter, melted

Can add or subtract  spices based off of the stuffing mix ingredients


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

  2. Bring large skillet to medium heat.  Add butter and swirl to coat pan

  3. Add garlic, cook until fragrant

  4. Add onion, celery and carrots- sauté for 3-5 minutes until onion is translucent 

  5. Add onion, sauté additional 5 minutes.  Can add tbs. of water for needed moisture

  6. Add spices and stir

  7. Add wild rice and stir

  8. Grease 9x13 baking pan, add bread crumbs 

  9. Add vegetable mixture and stir

  10. Pour broth over mixture and stir allowing breadcrumbs to soak up liquid

  11. Spread evenly

  12. Pour melted butter on top

  13. Bake uncovered 30 minutes


Wild rice, spices and mushrooms contain trace nutrients and are mineral rich

Spices and herbs offer digestive properties and anti-microbial benefits

Wild rice contains great fiber slowing down the starches from turning to quick glucose and taxing the Endocrine system.   

Happy Healthy Halloween

Each year I try to come up with healthy Halloween treat ideas yet Dr. Potts is always concerned it is going to end up in our house getting egged.

So far what has worked best for handouts around the neighborhood is nothing healthy - just candy. In this circumstance we try to encourage moderation over avoidance. Fruit alternatives are never exciting, raisins and stickers seem to be a disappointment. Little plastic toys just make me sad for ocean creatures, etc. Suckers, fruit snacks in halloween pouches, pennies sometimes work.

So far what has worked best for my children is buying back the sack of candy. I look at the fair market value and bump it up a little, they love it. Before they saw the value in money I had a nice toy waiting for them to see if they would trade and the toy totally won. There once was a Halloween fairy that came to our house to trade the candy for money but that did not go over well. I’m not over the top anti-sugar (or fun) I just see a trend 7-10 days after Halloween peoples allergies worsen and so do acute illnesses. I’m trying to find the sweet spot between fun and illness. My kids get to keep their top 10-20 favorite candies and we have 1 sweet a day as long as there are no signs of acute illness coming on or major emotional melt-downs. They seem satisfied, I’m pretty happy and we move on to Thanksgiving.

This year I tried a new experiment - individually packed naturally sweet teas, not at our house too risky of an experiment but at a Halloween event. It went over surprisingly well. There were plenty of no thank-you’s and with that response we told a cheesy Halloween joke (see below). Yet there were some fun comments, a girl around 7 stated excitingly that she was going home and having tea tonight. There were plenty “I love tea" comments and even one person who sought out our booth.

Here are some of the picked teas that will be distributed*:

*These links are affiliate links to Amazon, #commissionsearned

Please note: the tea’s that will be distributed were purchased through Frontier Co-op. If I were to purchase them through Amazon these are the ones I would pick but no experience with the sellers.

Stash Double Spice Chai

Stash Maple apple Cider

Stash Pumpkin Spice Tea

Stash Cinnamon Apple Chamomile

Here are some of the reasons these teas were picked:

  • Aroma; aromas are memorable they can help you remember a particular event, emotion, even thought.

  • These spices are warming in constitutional nature, good for a cool evening or morning

  • These spices help digest food

  • One thing about black tea, cinnamon clove, and ginger -they are lovely however heating and drying in nature. Too much can dry out your internal system so think about pairing with your faviorite milk or creamer.

Is your tea not quite right? Try;

  • Adding a splash of your favorite milk to add moisture

  • Adding a splash of apple juice

  • A couple of drops of stevia

  • Consuming while eating a handful of trail mix with dried fruit to enhance the sweet taste in your mouth.

Enjoy a postcard summarizing the blog on Healthy alternatives to Halloween treats

Spark some joy! They are cheesy but fun. Adapted from:

What do baby ghosts like to play? Peek-a-boo

Why did the zombie stay home from school? He felt rotten

What make-up does witches wear? Mas-scare-a

Where do spiders shop? On the web

What comes out when a ghost sneezes? Boo-gers!

Why did the zombie finish trick-or-treating? Because it was dead tired

No one wants to go trick-or-treating with Dracula…because he’s a pain in the neck

Why do skeletons walk? So dogs don’t chase their bones

Why do skeletons stay away from Halloween candy? Because they don’t have a stomach for it!

What truck is driven the most on Halloween? A monster truck

Sunburn support

My son came back from the lake yesterday bright pink in the face and exhausted.  He wore & reapplied sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses but with 115 degree Arizona sun our light skin is not going to win.

School starts Wednesday, I got to get him recovered quickly.

Thought maybe you would be interested in the plan:

I should have started Pranic Healing right away last night.  It was late, got lazy so starting today.  For those of you who have taken Advanced Pranic Healing, the colors of the Inflammation protocol is definitely what I will start with.  The sooner you start removing the old stagnant prana and applying the fresh the better!

Today’s agenda: 

  1. Picked a leaf of aloe - will filet and smear all over the pink areas 2-3x

  2. Homeopathic Causticum 30c or 200ck - maybe -the remedy is typically for stronger burns but knowing nothing will happen if its not the right remedy, will probably give anyway

  3. Vitamin C 1 -5,000 mg or until bowel tolerance -  a nice anti-oxidant, good to support recovery + won’t hurt to flood the system before encountering everyones germs again.

  4. Green Tea- 1/2 tsp powdered Matcha - a strong anti-oxidant, good to support recovery

Another attempt at accelerating healing!

If you have a Fullscript account with your provider you can see and purchase our after sun protocol favorites here:

Don’t forget to check with your provider first regarding the safety of this information as this is not intended for medical advice.

Calaman”C”(si) lime

Our neighbors have been super kind letting us indulge in their Calamansi limes. Picking these cute sour treats has been a pleasure to the start of my day. I’ve been simply squeezing them into warm water. Calamansi limes have properties to gently  break up mucous, offer anti-inflammatory benefits, and give a great start to good nutrition for the day - 27 mg of vitamin C, 6 mg Iron, 37 mg Potassium.

All of these nutrients are common deficiencies in my patient population.

Regular limes contain around 19.5 mg vitamin C -a great amount of Vitamin C especially if you combine in the salad below that has good amounts of Vitamin C in the peppers as well.

I’m regularly finding my son making himself a nice warm cup of lime water. He says it helps break up allergy mucous in his throat. 

How could you squeeze a little more natural sourced Vitamin C into your diet?

I’ll help out with a favorite recipe:

Summer time food is typically cold, cooling and wet to help balance the outdoor heat and keep your kitchen cooler.

This raw salad is one of our summer staples. Mostly due to its simplicity! We spend lots of time outside and with the Arizona sun we try to maximize anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C.

We now know Vitamin C for the immune system but did you know it’s also good for recovery from the sun?

“Topical Vitamin C: A Useful Agent for Treating Photoaging and Other Dermatologic Conditions”

Summer C Salad


2 cans of black beans rinsed

2 cups of bite sized tomatoes chopped

1 can sweet  one rinsed

1 cup cilantro chopped

3 bell peppers chopped

3 green onions chopped

1 tsp cumin

6 Calamsi Limes or 1 regular lime squeezed and added

Optional: add dry Mexican seasoning to taste or cayenne pepper. 

Olive oil to texture preference 2-3 tsp is typical. 


Chop, mix and serve! 

Best if flavors mix for a few hours before serving.

Added sugar & your health

My smart 6 year old son was trying to chose his “sugar” for the day.  In his desire for the most sugar he came up with the idea of not choosing a cookie or chocolate, instead pouring sugar on a spoon and consuming it directly.  I commend his thinking to go straight to the source yet have concerns to the health ramifications of - more sugar!  

Here are some added sugar fun facts to sit in your consciousness as you make sugar decisions over the next couple of weeks:)

Added Sugar -

  • Added Sugars are sugars and syrups that are consumed directly or added from preparation and processing of foods and drinks.  

    • These include candy, cookies, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave nectar (yes, even agave nectar).

  • Added sugars have been associated with diseases such as heart disease and dental cavities, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and liver disease (1).

  • Added sugars are recommended to be avoided in children under 2 (1). 

    • Have you observed children under the age of 2 eating added sugar?

  • Added sugars have been recommended to be limited to 6 teaspoons in children greater than two (1).

    • See below for typical teaspoons found in candy

  • The 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee suggests that added sugars be limited to Less than or equal to 6% of total daily energy intake.  

    • What percentage of sugar is in your daily intake?

  • In 2017-2018 17 teaspoons of added sugars were the average daily intake of 2-19 year old children and young adults (1).

    • Yikes!

There are 

  • 9 tsp of sugar in 1 can of coke 9 (3)  

  • 1.5 tsp in one fun-size snicker bar (2)

  • 2.25 tsp of sugar in 1 treat size box of Nerds (2)

  • 2.25 teaspoons in 1 fun size package of skittles (2)

  • 2.25 teaspoons of sugar in 1 Tootsie Pop (2)

Sugar and Health

It takes a short time to digest added and simple sugars (30-90 minutes) and through your gastrointestinal system your blood will absorb the glucose intake around 15-30 minutes after ingestion.  If it is consumed regularly in excess (see above for understanding of excess) it can stay longer into blood vessels than desired causing damage to the blood vessels or even to the liver which processes and filter the glucose from the blood.  

Sugar associated diseases: 

  • Diabetes Type 2: 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, that is just over 1 in 10 Americans.

  • Excess glucose may impair the immune system (6).  1 tsp can disrupt the system up to 5 hours. (7).

  • Dietary sugars can increase inflammation (8)

  • High-sugar diet can cause a disruption in the sleep-wake cycle and healthy microflora in Gastrointestinal systems (9)

Food therapy: 

Eating small amounts of sugar and from food naturally containing sugar can slow down damage to the body and sometimes even reverse damage.  Diet therapy has been proven to reverse Diabetes Type 2 (4).

The goal for this information is to share information and encourage moderation  because we are a complex system and there are more ingredients to good health than percentage of added sugar intake.  

Therefore, you get to decide how many visits to the dessert table this year.  Unless your my 6 year old:)




4. Lim EL, Hollingsworth KG, Aribisala BS, Chen MJ, Mathers JC, Taylor R. Reversal of type 2 diabetes: normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreased pancreas and liver triacylglycerol. Diabetologia. 2011 Oct;54(10):2506-14. doi: 10.1007/s00125-011-2204-7. Epub 2011 Jun 9. PMID: 21656330; PMCID: PMC3168743.


6. Shomali N, Mahmoudi J, Mahmoodpoor A, Zamiri RE, Akbari M, Xu H, Shotorbani SS. Harmful effects of high amounts of glucose on the immune system: An updated review. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2021 Apr;68(2):404-410. doi: 10.1002/bab.1938. Epub 2020 Jun 8. PMID: 32395846.

7. Albert Sanchez, J. L. Reeser, H. S. Lau, P. Y. Yahiku, R. E. Willard, P. J. McMillan, S. Y. Cho, A. R. Magie, U. D. Register, Role of sugars in human neutrophilic phagocytosis, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 26, Issue 11, November 1973, Pages 1180–1184,

Ma X, Nan F, Liang H, Shu P, Fan X, Song X, Hou Y, Zhang D. 

8. Excessive intake of sugar: An accomplice of inflammation. Front Immunol. 2022 Aug 31;13:988481. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.988481. PMID: 36119103; PMCID: PMC9471313.

9. Voigt RM, Forsyth CB, Green SJ, Mutlu E, Engen P, Vitaterna MH, Turek FW, Keshavarzian A. Circadian disorganization alters intestinal microbiota. PLoS One. 2014 May 21;9(5):e97500. doi:1371/journal.pone.0097500. PMID: 24848969; PMCID: PMC4029760.

To meat or not to meat...

Last week (November 2022) a whole semi load of turkeys, 900 I was told, was delivered to an entire community in need.  As I observed the cars line up and down the streets and the joy of the delivery people it made me think…  

So often in my profession I hear “eat this protein, eat that protein”  Instead what if we started our protein conversation with “I’m so grateful I get to eat” and then (if possible), move into to; “what protein is the best for my body” & “how does this protein make me feel”?  

Maybe then yogi’s and hunters could get along?

Raw meat/eggs, pea and rice, venison and buffalo, wild caught salmon and more all have had their waves of fad protein since I’ve been a doctor.  Soon it will be cricket so maybe we should be happy with the tofurkey!

Whatever protein you chose this Thanksgiving may it be delightful and joyous 

Feed Your Immune System

Feed Your Immune System

Let’s think of our immune systems as our body’s military. The White Blood Cells are our troops and there are many different kinds with various roles. Mostly they are to protect us. They get deployed throughout our bodies to parole a situation or fight a good fight depending on the situation and what they find.

We want healthy troops (White blood cells) with lots of energy ready to deploy, if needed. Therefore we don’t want to over use our troops, overactive them, or let them get out of shape. Some nutrients, herbs, or lack of can yield imbalanced effects on our troops (White blood cells) and our whole Military (Immune system).

So which are the most important?

The Coronavirus; A Naturopathic View

As a Naturopathic Physician I would like to respond to the CoronaVirus COVID-19 with our Naturopathic Principles.  This philosophy is what sets our profession aside from other medical training programs.

First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere).  Most importantly Naturopathic Physicians are Physicians first.  It would be silly of us to emphasize boosting immune systems with herbs over hand washing and other proper hygiene methods.  I am, as well as you should, be following local public health guidelines to reduce harm. 

Helpful websites:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Arizona Department of Health Services

The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix Naturae) Naturopathic Physicians believe the Vis medicatrix naturae is a life force that flows through our bodies enhancing the body to heal itself.  This principle is shown to us by knowing that with a small paper cut to an average person it is not necessary to apply a bandage or anti-bacterial cream in order for the body to heal.  It is tapping into this energetic system, removing obstacles and enhancing the life force that keeps our bodies well and enhances recovery of illness.  This is why I am such an advocate for Pranic Healing.  Prana is a synonymous term to life force.  This modality uses Prana to clean and enhance our energetic anatomy accelerating the bodies ability to heal without even touching your client nor having a medical degree. To find out how Pranic Healing can support your Respiratory System watch this healing session with Master Co at

    • This belief of the Vis Medicatrix Naturae is in not to be replaced for or put above the principle First Do No Harm in that standard medical procedures are standard for a reason.  We have to use discernment with serious disease processes.

  • Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle causam) Treating the cause is identifying and removing obstacles for a disease process and identifying and removing obstacles that could diminish the vitality of the Vis Medicatrix Naturae.  With the Coronavirus COVID-19 it is obvious that the cause for the disease process is the virus itself.  I encourage you to have self-reflection upon what is a potential obstacle to your vitality?  Do you need more rest, exercise, vegetables?  When you have this awareness, put action into it.  Our vitality is essential to our health.  

  • Doctor as Teacher (Docere).  This principle empowers us through education.  When issues are brought to an intellectual understanding it provides certainty and reduces emotional reactions.  Please completely familiarize yourself with the CDC website regarding locations and symptoms of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) along with how to protect yourself from the disease.  

  • Treat the Whole Person (Tolle totum).  The immune system is global in our body and functions in tandem with other systems.  The Gastrointestinal system feeds nutrition to our immune system.  The musculoskeletal system creates our immune cells.  The endocrine system communicates to determine what part and where to send immune cells.  The lymphatic system removes used up immune cells.  These are only a few of the examples of how the body functions as a unit and shows how we should address the entire being especially when it comes to prevention.

  • Prevention (Praevenic).  

    • Hygiene is the first way to prevent.  If you are immune compromised, pregnant, or have a severe underlying chronic medical condition please seek individualized advice from your physician.  The best way to prevent illness is to be avoid being exposed.  Please stay home or consult a medical provider if you feel unwell to protect yourself with a weakened vitality and prevent transmission of disease.  Six feet is the recommended distance to avoid respiratory droplet exposure from other individuals.  Use your elbow to sneeze or cough into to avoid transmission of disease.  Use proper hand washing techniques by washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not readily available use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol and rub until dry.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.  Clean and disinfect frequently especially high touched areas.  

    • For those who are well and abled Naturopathic hygiene further includes proper:

      • Diet: 

        • Eliminate foods that do not replenish and restore the body such as processed sugars, artificial foods and additives. Avoid excess consumption of any food or beverage.

        • Consuming 5-7 servings of vegetables with a good variety and color, high in nutrients, minerals, and phyto-chemicals.

      • Exercise: 150 minutes of cardiovascular activity a week

      • Fresh air and sunshine: get outside especially in Arizona where it just rained.  The air quality is better and the temperature is perfect for a walk around the block or a nice hike.

      • Water: Drink 70-90 ounces of water a day and use proper bathing.  Hydrotherapy (alternating hot and cold) can be a wonderful tool to enhance cardiovascular and immune system activity.

      • Sleep: Simply put, the body needs to rest in order to recover and regenerate.  Healthy sleep is typically 8-10 hours a night.

      • Emotional Health & Community: Collaborate with your local community on how to help each other in times of need and develop a plan.  Be of service by helping someone in need.  Watch programs that promote relaxation, hope, and happiness.  Meditate and connect to your spiritual source.  Tune in to a Twin Hearts Meditation specific to the Coronavirus COVD-19 at

    We are all susceptible to suffering and we all have the free will to chose how we react to it.  I hope this information give you some assistance in finding peace within yourself.  

Update 5/11/24: Mindie, a home-school student found value in this article and thought readers might find value in a handwashing article she shared with us:

Lung Hydrotherapy

Lung Hydrotherapy

I love constitutional hydrotherapy as a healing modality. An hour of full on contrast hot and cold applications causing vasoconstriction and vasodilation to blood vessels with electrodes applied to enhance circulation to vital organs, healing to my ears. Yet, with needing a therapist to apply the session and budget in mind it is not the most ideal situation so I’ve adapted this therapy to meet this seasons high level of coughs and Upper respiratory infections.

Health Through Nature Cleansing Face Mask

Health Through Nature Cleansing Face Mask

My friends know that I am the last person to come to for facial advice.  This is why I surprised myself after adapting a recipe by Mountain Rose Botanicals to treat a patient’s face rash and it turned out fabulous.  Afterwards, I experimented on myself and a medical student and it was a riot as we sat with joy in my waiting room breathing in the aroma coming from our faces! This fabulous application is ready to be shared!